1. The Hearty Salad

Sunday, February 04, 2018
Hello Dolls & Gents,

Here is the recipe for this hearty salad.


40g Couscous

Pomegranate seed

Baby spinach

Wild rockets

Coral lettuce

Lime juice

Fresh cranberry juice

One type of veggie to roast, in this case, I chose mushrooms.

You want to start by rinsing the couscous, then soak them in 1/4 cup of hot water for 5 minutes and cover it with a lid. While the couscous is fluffing up, go ahead and marinate the veggie of your choice pre-roasting. I marinated my mushrooms with paprika, chili flakes, dried oregano, salt, pepper and a little bit of olive oil. Roast them on the pan and proceed to making the veggie mix. To the mixture of greens (spinach, wild rockets and lettuce) add a tablespoon of cranberry juice and a teaspoon of lime juice. Then add the pomegranate seeds and toss the salad about two times. When the couscous has absorbed all the water, go ahead and season it with salt (optional). And then add the couscous to the greens mixture and mix well. The salad is ready to serve with the roasted veggies.

Note- You can definitely add more roasted veggies. But I eat this salad as a means to snack, which means one type of roasted veggie is perfect. You can also add meat to make it more wholesome.

Thank you so much for reading this post, and I hope you enjoy the recipe. 

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