Like many Maldivian mothers/older women, I believe that my mother is a victim of the prejudice held by our community towards older females who desire to indulge in glamorous beautification. This may not sound like a huge deal to some. But to me, it definitely is.
“They don’t stop staring at me. And they will tell me that I’m too old for bright colors and fashion before turning their heads away.”
“My, My! You have such a modern sense of fashion, people in the Maldives don’t wear so and so."
According to my mother, this has always been the reaction she received until finally, she began applying her pretty hues of pink lipsticks and muting the tone to almost nothing. Meanwhile, she avoids eyeshadows altogether.
“It’s easier to blend in, than face scrutiny and nasty looks.” She said.
“My, My! You have such a modern sense of fashion, people in the Maldives don’t wear so and so."
According to my mother, this has always been the reaction she received until finally, she began applying her pretty hues of pink lipsticks and muting the tone to almost nothing. Meanwhile, she avoids eyeshadows altogether.
“It’s easier to blend in, than face scrutiny and nasty looks.” She said.
Makeup is not prescribed to only the more youthful women, in fact, we live in an era which classifies makeup gender fluid, and is designed for all races. Hence why should makeup fail to cater for mature skin? It doesn't... it never did. To the mature women, I say that you are the foundation that taught and built us ladies' interest towards makeup; therefore, you have earned every right to emanate your grace, strength, experiences, and even scars with your makeup. How you choose to wear it, is your own choice to make… no one else’s!
Cheers to mama Tulip for breaking out of her shell and sharing this selfie!
Growing old doesn't mean that with some of life's pursuits, feeling good and looking your best should come to a halt. Interpretations and the meanings we associate to anything greatly varies across different people. So perhaps that awkward feeling you sense around people while you are the most glamorous is being perceived differently by everyone else in the room. The idea that you feel threatened by colors, which once was the highlight of your life without being so criminal can still be the highlight of the present. Indeed the 1st person to instill a doubt in you towards bright and bold makeup is really you. It is you who allows interpreting that there is a certain dress code with age. Which is true, but as much as clothes aren't a universal language. You forget that makeup is! You didn't ask for anyone's permission as you came of age and began wearing makeup. So why require anybody's approval to continue wearing it for the rest of your life? While negativity surrounds you, think even more positively.
And mind you, beauty companies are attempting to not only be inclusive in terms of race and gender but also... 'age'. Take a close look at this beautiful campaign by Loreal, do you see any representations of yourself staring back at you?

A society that feels good will continue to have greater vibes. So all you ladies out there, 23 or 43... pick up your makeup brushes and plaster those consumer rights on whichever body part you wish. And while you are at it, here is an artist who can help you brush up your makeup skills for mature skin. Click the image below to visit Lisa Eldrige's tutorial.
Thank you so much for reading this post and I will see you in the next one. Until then, please show mama Tulip some love and share your thoughts on the matter in the comments section below.
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