Friday, December 28, 2018
Hello, Dolls & Gents,

I started off 2018 with a podcast. To those who can remember it, I spoke of moving past the shallow new year resolutions; and to think about the value we may add not only to enrich ourselves but others and the world around us. I emphasized that a single individual’s effort collaboratively becomes a group effort, despite how minuscule a contribution or a concern may be.

I can proudly say that I have ended this year on accomplishing what I initially started out to do. To make a difference, no matter how small it may be. This year with the help of an awesome team, I was blessed to visit Kampung Tekir. An indigenous community situated in Labu, Malaysia.

This is an underprivileged community that deserves equality and every other merit of life. Unfortunately just like many they are left behind, struggling to assimilate imperialistic modernity and are severely misunderstood.

This community is kind enough to open their doors for anyone seeking to understand, empathize, respect and help them. This gave us the opportunity to organize a literacy program with children up to 14 years of age. Our objective was to create a comfortable learning environment and ensure that every child receives one-on-one attention they deserve. In order to make this project a reality, a lot was invested in terms of emotions and time. The pictures below reveal the nature of the final outcome. 

Literacy Program

Literacy Program

There are so many ways to describe the time spent with those children. They were beautiful, free-spirited, disciplined and curious boys and girls. And when I look at them, I see so many opportunities stolen from them. Coming to that realization is heartbreaking. I wish that we would see a time where the system isn’t as broken as it is now. I pray that the future generations within these indigenous communities, can find a way to incorporate both native and western mediums into their schooling syllabus; under the guidance of experts that truly care about these communities. These children deserve all the help they can get.

Literacy Program

Literacy Program

Literacy Program

Considering that I will be leaving Malaysia permanently in less than 7 months… I am jubilant that I got to organize, lead and make an impact on a small group in my 8 years spent here. Being a full-time student, there isn’t more I can do apart from donations, or saying a few kind words to those in need. I will definitely cherish this experience for life.

Thank you to my team who worked hard on this project, and a huge thank you to every party/organization that made this possible.

Thank you so much for reading this post and I will see you on the next one. 

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